The triplets get baptized

On Sunday, July 16, 2000, my new nieces were baptized. I have the honor of being their Godmother. Everything went smoothly. The girls were perfectly behaved. Their brothers were very helpful and only fidgited a little. :) Please enjoy the pictures as I am a very proud Auntie and honored Godmother.

The gowns, knitted by Debbie

The gowns close up

Norman and Rob talking

The family at the baptism

The family with Pastor Schwartz

Heather and the triplets

Rob and I with the girls

The women of the family

Me, Rob, Heather, and Kenny outside the chapel

Me with Brietta

Proud Grandma and Cheyenne

Great Rain (Great-grandma) and Cheyenne

Kenny holding Cheyenne

Proud Grandpa holding Cheyenne

See an edited version of the baptism. You will need RealPlayer to view.

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